Understanding the Importance of Email Unsubscribe Rates

Email unsubscribe rates

Email unsubscribe rates are a critical basis for the success of every email campaign and a clear reflection of interest in a company’s products and service offering. This can also be one of the most unpleasant metrics that marketers need to deal with, but there are ways to reduce unsubscribes and keep email lists thriving.

  1. Update mailing list regularly.
    Prioritize communicating with people who agreed to receive your emails and continuously maintain your list with fresh, relevant leads.
  2. Segment email subscribers.
    Split target audience into as many groups as possible using the following parameters: topics of interest, preference and needs, and location. This will make them feel that the content is carefully curated and meticulously crafted for them.
  3. Use a combination of double opt-ins and single opt-ins.
    A single opt-in is a subscription process that doesn’t need confirmation from subscribers. A double opt-in involves a two-step process where subscribers must complete a signup form and click a link to confirm their willingness to be included in the mailing list.Double opt-ins reduce spams and unsubscribes. Single opt-ins, on the other hand, might lead to lower conversion rates but will provide you with a valid set of prospects to target.
  4. Use A/B tests in all email campaigns to achieve the following:
    • identify common factors, trends, and insights.
    • optimize content, style, and frequency of emails.
    • lead to higher open and click-through rates.
    • craft highly targeted emails that will fit your prospects.
    • implement incremental changes for better results in your given industry.
  5. Provide valuable, unique content.
    Spammy emails are a major culprit for high unsubscribe rates. Create messages that match your target audience’s interests and behavior to earn their trust and respect.
  6. Do not create misleading subject lines.
    Creativity matters when it comes to capturing user attention but be careful of the dangers of overpromising and underdelivering. Click-bait only leads to temporary happiness among subscribers and they will soon want to opt out from the email list if content is not worth their attention.
  7. Set the expectation.
    People value consistency so establish a predictable routine for when and how often your users should expect an email. This builds trust with subscribers and brings integrity to your email marketing campaigns.
  8. Optimize for mobile.
    If emails aren’t mobile-friendly, content will be stripped of its potential value for recipients. Invest in responsive email templates that will blend with almost any mobile device to engage your subscribers and drive results.
  9. Keep the unsubscribe link visible.
    Give subscribers the freedom to opt out from a mailing list if they are no longer interested. Make the unsubscribe link accessible to avoid spam complaints and maintain a positive image of your brand.
  10. Send a follow-up email.
    When email recipients hit the unsubscribes button, this doesn’t mean they’re lost forever. Follow-up emails offer departing readers a chance to engage beyond email such as following you on social media.
  11. Offer free stuff.
    Discounts, incentives, and exclusive gifts for current subscribers will make them feel really special. The point is, don’t just build email marketing campaigns around getting readers to click on the CTAs – send out emails to give things away out of sincere appreciation for them!
  12. Ask for feedback.
    Don’t hesitate to ask for readers’ opinions as this will help determine what will make them stay on the list or what will drive them away.

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