How to Use Email Marketing to Close More Leads | Riptide

Despite new marketing tools and methods, email lead generation is still the best way to attract new clients. Email marketing ROI is $36 for $1 spent, the highest of any marketing channel. 

To maximize email lead creation, marketers must create an opt-in list of prospects who expect communication. Your team must then share high-quality content to maintain those relationships. A must-know in How to Use Email Marketing.

What is Email Lead Generation? 

Email lead generation involves gathering client leads via opt-in forms. Opt-in forms collect potential consumers’ names and emails. That data is in an email marketing database. 

Email marketing may generate leads and develop relationships with potential consumers by providing them material that will convert them. 

Email is a direct lead generation channel. An efficient email marketing plan targets leads, communicates directly with potential customers, and grows your client base. Email engagement isn’t slowing down despite all the other marketing channels. Over the past year, 77% of marketers have seen email engagement rise. 

Benefits of Email Lead Generation 

  1. Raise brand recognition and trust. 
  2. Make contacts with prospects. 
  3. Give prospects value and instruction. 
  4. Turn prospects into loyalists. 

Best Email Lead Generation Practices  

  1. Go after the correct customers.

Before starting a lead generation campaign, you must identify your clients to adapt your marketing to their needs. 

To generate leads with email marketing, you must define a lead for your firm. Is it someone who fills out your website’s form? Someone who downloads your e-book? A company-sponsored webinar attendee? 

Note how not to utilize email marketing, including sending unwanted emails. No more buying email marketing lists, loading them into your CRM, and sending unsolicited emails. 

Due to CAN-SPAM and email filtering, these outdated methods will certainly have your ISP blacklisted and prevent you from sending emails. 

  1. Offer a useful opt-in.

You must offer something valuable to get them to give you their contact information. Consider what first-time visitors to your site want. 

What are their pain points? What do they want to know? 

After determining what your audience wants to know, create excellent content that prospects receive when they opt-in to your email list. 

Email opt-in types: 

  1. E-books. 
  2. Research findings. 
  3. Webinar registration. 
  4. Courses. 


  1. Make a simple opt-in.

It’s tempting to include multiple fields in your opt-in form, but too many details may lower sign-up conversions. 

Customers don’t want to fill out long forms to get e-books or register for webinars. If you ask too much, they may leave your page. Make your opt-in form straightforward to encourage sign-ups. Keep asking for their name, email, and possibly a company or work title. 

  1. Landing page optimization.

Landing pages are essential for lead generation campaigns, whether they offer content as an email opt-in or an email sign-up form. Prospects can learn about your product, join up for your email list, and learn about your company on the landing page. 

Lead conversion also requires landing pages. Industry-wide, lead generation landing pages convert at 4.02%. Each piece of your landing page must speak to your target customer to optimize conversions. 

Your landing page should be customer-focused, from messaging to copy placement to visuals. 

Consider the value of your offering, whether it’s an educational e-book or a customizable template. Encourage clients to opt in by displaying value throughout the page. 

  1. Use email automation for lead scoring.

Lead scoring helps you capture leads most likely to become customers. 

Lead scoring lets you assess lead quality and filter leads. Analyzing consumer activities and emotions helps acquire higher-quality leads for timely messaging. 

Email automation software aids lead scoring. 

Marketing automation software lets marketers create email marketing “tracks” from within. A marketing track is a series of emails for a single buyer or topic. 

As an IT consulting business marketing manager, you might create marketing tracks for technical buyers, financial buyers, and end users. Marketing tracks for data protection, scalable infrastructure, and system backup are also possible. 

Marketing automation software lets you write and schedule emails in advance to produce unified, valuable communication for your audience. 

After creating your marketing tracks, you can easily add users to various correspondence streams manually or depending on user activity. Consistent, meaningful email communication builds lead credibility and confidence. It also keeps your brand in mind when decision-makers choose a solution. 

  1. Be prompt.

When should you contact a lead? Once they get your e-book? After your webinar? 

Email marketing success requires timeliness. Connecting with a lead when they’re thinking about your offering is crucial. 

Marketing automation software lets you send automatic emails based on activity. 

Customers who attended your webinar may receive an automatic email with product updates. You can also send a welcome email when a consumer joins your list. Contact incoming leads within minutes of conversion for optimum outcomes. 

  1. Customize emails.

Make your emails as personalized as possible. 

Personalized subject lines increase email opens by 26%. Additionally, 58% of users are more likely to convert when they receive content based on their past activity. 

A personal touch that resonates will enhance the likelihood of individuals opening and clicking on your emails. Email automation software may separate your list by geography, activity, and behavior. Segmenting lets you send more personalized emails. 

  1. Share relevant content.

You want to create trust with excellent prospects who have joined your email list to convince them they made the right choice. 

One thing that could risk your trust? Sending irrelevant emails. 

Share useful, personal, and timely emails instead of sending them just to get into your customer’s mailbox. 

If they signed up for your emails after a webinar, provide a free e-book supplementing the topic. If they downloaded a free template from your site, send a series of emails answering queries about it and its usage. 

Share relevant, valuable content to foster the relationship rather than selling to them immediately after opting in. 

  1. A/B test.

A/B test your email lead creation technique to improve results. 

A/B testing, or split testing, involves sending recipients different email versions. This lets you test different email elements to determine what subscribers like. 

Test every aspect of your emails, including 

  1. Subjects. 
  2. View sample.
  3. Images and design. 
  4. Clickable CTAs. 

After several A/B testing, you will know which subject lines attract subscribers to read their emails and which CTAs get them to click through. 

  1. Regularly organize your list.

Your email list will include inactive subscribers. They may have signed up for your e-book but never bought your product. They may have discovered a solution elsewhere but never unsubscribed from your list. 

These unengaged subscribers will lower your email marketing engagement rates for any reason. Clean up your list often to keep it engaged and focused. To accomplish this, clean emails. 

Remove inactive or unengaged subscribers from your list with email cleansing. You’re guaranteeing that only those who desire your stuff are on your list. This boosts open and click-through rates. 

Clean up your email list every six months. Any sharp drop in open, click-through, or unsubscribe rates warrants a check. 



Email marketing remains a top lead-to-sales funnel tool. If your organization manages a huge database of leads at all phases of the buying cycle, use marketing automation software. Create marketing tracks and scale relevant conversations. 

Finally, remember these email basics: Add an intriguing title, relevant photos, social links, and a call to action. These strategies will boost email lead engagement!  

Riptide from SwaysEast is a powerful tool designed to help you build high-converting opt-in pages effortlessly. Riptide’s user-friendly interface allows you to customize opt-in forms, access data analytics, and implement A/B testing to continuously improve your conversion rates. 

Tailor your opt-in page to enhance consumer engagement and conversions. Get started with Riptide today to boost your subscribers. Click here to SCHEDULE A FREE APPOINTMENT.