How To Track an Email: Everything You Need to Know

How To Track an Email: Everything You Need to Know

Email tracking is a simple way to keep track of the emails you send and receive. If you’re sending emails on behalf of your business, it’s important to keep an eye on how many people are reading them. You might also want to know what your customers think about what they see in their inboxes—or even just how likely someone is going to click through from your website onto Amazon or other places where they can buy things from you directly. 

What is email tracking? 

Email tracking is the process of keeping track of email activity. It’s used to understand how your company interacts with its customers and make sure you’re making the most out of every interaction. 

The benefits of email tracking include: 

  • Knowing whether people open your emails, read them, click through links in them (and where they go), respond to prompts that appear in messages like marketing campaigns or newsletters; 
  • Knowing which subject lines get opened most often; 
  • Understanding which types of messages have been opened most often by specific audience segments; 
  • Realizing why some messages don’t get read or acted upon—for example, maybe someone forgot about an event invitation because it was sent during a busy time at work!


Why should you track emails? 

Tracking emails is a great way to increase the return on your email marketing campaigns. It allows you to see how many people opened and clicked on each of your emails, as well as which links are working. This can help guide future campaigns, so that they’re more successful than last time. 

You should also track calls-to-action (CTAs) in order to get better results with them! For example, if someone opens an email but doesn’t click on any links within it then this means they probably weren’t interested in what was being shared within the message itself—so make sure that there aren’t too many CTAs in one place so that people don’t feel overwhelmed by all of them at once.” 

How does email tracking work? 

Tracking tools use the same internet protocol as email, but with a different header. Tracking tools also have their own port number and protocol (not the default port for incoming and outgoing messages) so that you can keep track of where your emails are going. 

Tracking software uses an email address that looks like this: or . The tracking software then sends data about your emails back to the company who created it! 

How to send and track an email in Gmail. 

  • You can send an email and track it in Gmail by using the “show details” button. 
  • If you don’t see a “show details” option on your email, then go to Settings > General > Track Unread (or click here) and click Save. 
  • To track an email sent from your inbox, click Track Email in the top right corner of any page on Gmail. You’ll be taken to a page where you can select whether or not you want this particular message tracked as unread or read: 


How to track an email in Gmail without sending it. 

Now that you know how to track an email in Gmail, let’s talk about how not to send it. 

  • Don’t use the label feature on your Gmail account if you want to track an email. The label feature only allows for one label per account, so if your goal is tracking an email sent from one person who has multiple emails in their inboxes (like me), then this isn’t going to work for you because each time I send something out-of-office I’ll have another labeled “out of office”. It’s more efficient just using a custom filter in your Gmail settings instead (if possible). 
  • Don’t use a secondary email address as part of the message subject line when sending outbound messages through Google Apps Scripts or other third party tools because they’ll be blocked by Gmail’s spam filtering system–and this could potentially cause issues with getting caught up on old mail later down the line if there are any problems with these programs’ functionality over time!


How to track an email using Outlook. 

To track an email using Outlook, you’ll need to: 

  • Sign into your account and click on “Inbox” or “Sent Items.” You can also track these items from the “Mail” tab in Outlook. 
  • Select the email you want to track by clicking on it. This will open up a new window with details about that particular message. 
  • If available, there will be an option to view all of your sent messages as well as received ones at once here! Once selected, this will show you a complete record of every single thing that has been sent out (or received) by anyone who has sent something through their system since last logging into it last time around–which should give us enough insight into how our accounts are being used right now without having too many other people involved yet.”


How to choose the right email tracking tool. 

Before you begin tracking emails, it’s important to understand what you’re looking for in an email tracker. The best way to figure out what you want is by thinking about your needs and requirements. This can be intimidating because there are so many options out there, but once you narrow down the features that are most important for your business (and keep in mind that all tools have limitations), choosing the right tool becomes easier. 

  • What kind of information do I need? If someone unsubscribes from my list or complains about something on social media, I need a way of finding out quickly so I can fix any problems before they get too big. 
  • How often do I need access? A weekly report would help me stay organized and also allows me time between reports since there won’t be any additional data being collected after each week has passed by itself without being analyzed again later on down the line when needed most—provided everything has gone according plan thus far! 
  • Does price matter at all here? In short: yes! Price isn’t necessarily indicative of quality though; some companies offer free trials while others charge upfront fees upfront (sometimes even monthly).


What are the best email tracking tools? 

You can get a lot of information about your email marketing campaign by tracking it with the right tools. Some of the best email tracking tools include: 

  • Riptide – Even without a dedicated CRM or email marketing tool, Riptide helps you understand your audience through data-driven metrics. You can track your audience’s behavior with a simple plug-in integration with your favorite email provider. A comprehensive dashboard and easy-to-understand graphs provide a window into all the important email metrics. Discover how effectively your email marketing works by knowing where and when your audience is reading your content.    
  • Waves – Email marketing campaigns powered by data are a foolproof way to connect with and convert your target audience. With real-time analytics and AI driven reporting for seamless planning, creation, and delivery of email content, Waves stands out from the crowd.  


You can use email tracking tools either free or paid, to track your emails. 

You can use email tracking tools either free or paid, to track your emails. Free tools are usually limited and less accurate. Paid tools are usually more accurate and have more features, but they require you to pay for them. You can use any email service provider (ESP) to send and track emails as well as receive them on the web or mobile devices through their website or app stores. 

Email tracking is a great way to keep track of your email marketing efforts and make sure that you are sending out the right messages at the right time. These tools can help save time by making sure that your emails are being routed correctly, but they also give you peace of mind knowing that they’ll be delivered on time. So try out one of these free or paid tools today and see how much easier it makes life for everyone involved! 

Waves Can Transform Your Email Marketing  

Waves from SwaysEast utilizes Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies to generate awareness among your intended recipients, build brand loyalty with customers, and drive revenue for your business.   

SIGN UP TODAY and witness how Waves can transform your email marketing for business growth and success.