
Embrace AI Marketing: Maximizing Productivity and Creativity in the Digital Era  

A lot of businesses and the marketing teams that help them are quickly adopting smart technology solutions to make operations run more smoothly and make the customer experience better. Most of the time, these smart solutions come in the form of marketing tools that use artificial intelligence (AI). With these platforms and generative attribution, marketers can learn more about their target groups on a deeper level. The findings from this optimization process, which are based on artificial intelligence, can then be used to increase sales and make the marketing teams’ jobs easier. 

What does AI marketing mean? 

AI marketing uses AI technologies to make choices automatically based on gathering data, analyzing data, and making observations about audience or economic trends that might affect marketing efforts. AI is used a lot in internet marketing, where speed is very important. Generative AI is often used in digital marketing, where quick results are important. AI marketing tools teach how to best interact with customers by analyzing data and creating profiles of each one. They then send each customer the right message at the right time without any help from the marketing team, making sure that everything runs smoothly. Many digital marketers today use Generative AI to help their marketing teams or do more tactical jobs that don’t need as much human nuance. 

Use cases for AI in marketing include: 

  • Data analysis – Gathering and sorting through a lot of marketing data from different projects and programs that would have to be done by hand otherwise. 
  • Media Buying – Guessing which ads and media placements will help a business reach its target group and get the most out of its marketing strategy.  
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) – Making a language that sounds like human language for things like making content, making customer service bots, personalizing the user experience, and more. 
  • Content generation – Writing both short and long pieces of content for marketing strategies, like email subject lines, blogs, video comments, and more. 
  • Real-time personalization – Adapting a customer’s experience with a marketing asset like an email, social media post, or web page to match their past tastes in order to get them to do something, like click a link, sign up for something, or buy a product. 

Benefits of AI Marketing 

Adding AI marketing to your digital marketing campaigns can be used in a lot of different ways, and each one has its own benefits. As an example, AI marketing can help with lowering risks, speeding things up, making customers happier, making more money, and more. It’s possible for benefits to be measurable, like the number of sales, or not measurable, like user happiness. Here are some of the main benefits of AI Marketing 

  1. Improve Customer Service and Response Time 

AI marketing can help you send people personalized messages at the right times in their buying journey. It can also help digital marketers find customers who are likely to leave and send them information that will make them want to interact with the brand again. 

  1. Better Measurement of Marketing 

It’s hard for many businesses to keep up with all the data that digital marketing campaigns generate, which makes it hard to link campaign success to specific campaigns. Dashboards that use AI for marketing give a fuller picture of what works so that it can be used in other platforms and budgets are allocated correctly. 

  1. Make Choices More Quickly 

AI marketing can analyze tactical data faster than humans can, and it can use machine learning to quickly draw conclusions based on the strategy and the customer. This gives team members time to work on strategic projects that can then be used to shape efforts that use AI. Digital marketers don’t have to wait until the end of a campaign to make decisions with AI marketing. Instead, they can use real-time analytics to choose better media. 

  1. Increase Campaign ROI  

If marketers use AI marketing properly, it can completely change their marketing strategy by getting the most useful information from their datasets and acting on it right away. AI tools can quickly decide how to best spend money on different media channels or put ads to keep customers interested more often and get the most out of campaigns. 

  1. Increase Speed and Efficiency 

AI-based marketing tools don’t always know what to do to reach their marketing goals. Just like people, they need time and training to learn about the organization’s goals, customer preferences, and past trends, as well as to get a sense of the bigger picture and become experts. This process of learning also needs to make sure that the info is correct. Let us say that your AI marketing tools haven’t been trained with correct, up-to-date, and representative high-quality data. If you do that, your brand-new AI marketing tool will only be useful as a toy because it will make bad choices based on bad data that don’t really reflect what people want. 

  1. Improve Privacy 

People and government agencies are becoming stricter about how businesses use customer info. When digital marketing teams use AI for marketing, they need to make sure they are following rules like GDPR and using customer data in an honest way. If they don’t, they could face heavy fines and damage to their image. If your AI marketing tools aren’t designed to follow certain legal rules, they might go beyond what is allowed when it comes to using customer data for personalized marketing. 

  1. Achieve Buy-In 

It can be hard for digital marketing teams to show business leaders how valuable AI marketing efforts are. KPIs like ROI and efficiency are easy to measure, but it can be harder to show how AI marketing has improved the customer experience or the brand’s image. Because of this, digital marketing teams need to make sure they have the right measurement tools, such as generative attribution, to show that investments in generative AI led to these qualitative wins. 

How to Make AI Work for Your Marketing Campaigns 

If you want to use AI in your marketing efforts and business, you should start with a detailed plan. This will help marketing teams avoid problems that cost a lot of money and get the most out of their AI investment as quickly as possible.  

Digital marketers should think about a few important things before using any AI marketing tools: 

  1. Set Clear Goals 

It is important to set clear goals and marketing data for your AI marketing program from the start, just like you would for any other marketing program. First, figure out what parts of your campaigns or processes could use some work, like segmentation. Then, set clear KPIs that will show how well the AI-assisted marketing strategy worked. This is especially important for goals that aren’t numbers, like “improving customer experience.” 

  1. Define Quantity and Sources of Data 

People who work in digital marketing usually need a lot of data before they can start using AI marketing. This information will teach the AI marketing tool about what customers want, how things are changing in the world, and other things that will affect how well marketing efforts with AI are doing. This information can be found in the company’s CRM, in old marketing efforts, or on its website. Besides this, marketers may also use second- and third-party data, such as location data, weather data, and other outside factors that may affect a buyer’s choice. 

  1. Get Data Science Experts 

A lot of marketing teams don’t have enough people with the right data science and AI skills, which makes it hard to work with huge amounts of data and offer insights. Companies that want to start AI marketing programs should work with outside groups that can help them collect and analyze data to train their tools for best performance and make management easier in the long run. 

  1. Follow Standards for Data Privacy 

When you first start your new marketing campaign, you should make sure that your AI marketing tool won’t use data in ways that aren’t legal just to make it more personal. Make sure that data privacy rules are set and that your AI marketing tools follow them so that you stay in compliance and keep customers’ trust. 

  1. Come up with an All-Around AI Marketing Plan 

Most digital marketers find that their AI marketing tools work best when they are added to their current marketing plan rather than being used on their own. AI marketing tools make it possible to improve parts of a marketing strategy that are hard to do efficiently now, like data analysis, or that could be wrong, like attribution.  

By adding AI to these “blind spots,” digital marketers can not only use these cutting-edge, powerful techniques to take their marketing to the next level, but they can also build on the digital marketing techniques that have worked well for them in the past. 


While AI can automate some parts of marketing campaigns, like data analysis and content creation, it can’t completely replace human involvement. Marketers still need to be creative, strategize, and make decisions based on AI’s insights. AI can make things more efficient, but human knowledge and intuition are still needed for marketing campaigns to succeed. People can check if the suggestions being used are helping businesses. 

SwaysEast offers a suite of smart digital marketing tools to help brands create innovative solutions and experience their very own AI digital marketing success stories. Book a FREE APPOINTMENT today.